Covert Ops

Plausible Denial

by George S. Thomas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/21/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9781414061528

About the Book

Green Beret Captain Jack Mayo, 3rd Special Forces Group, takes command of his first detachment along with veterans like Chief Warrant Officer Rick Conners.  His teams of twelve highly trained operators carry out daring covert missions throughout Central and South America, and elsewhere.  Their missions cover a broad spectrum of actions involving drug cartels, renegade governments and politicians plotting overthrows; from Special Reconnaissance to Direct Action.

Jack, a West Point graduate, finds romance and love with a General's daughter; but, not just any General.  Unbeknown to him the General heads a super secret covert operations unit buried deep inside the National Security Agency.  So secret even the President does not know of its existence.  Jack and his team are recruited to carry out ultra high risk NSA missions sanctioned and known only to a handful of powerful men within the U.S. Government's intelligence community.

About the Author

George S. Thomas is a U.S. Army veteran and has also served in the Army National Guard, U.S. Naval Reserve and is currently a search and rescue pilot in the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary.  He holds an engineering and doctorate degree.

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