Trilogy of Thought

by Carl D. Porter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/2/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781418429416

About the Book

Trilogy of Thought is actually a combination of three different concepts inherent in the human species: Intellect, Emotion, and Humor.                                    

The first selection appeals to the logic and inquisitive nature in most humans and describes personal insights into The Truths of American Business. It explains the structure and foibles of business decisions. It contains the truisms that many who have toiled under the banner of American business can recognize.

The second section portrays the expressions of feelings and the search for The Meaning of Life. This is a collection of poetry that covers the entire range of human emotion. Unlike the freeform of modern verse, these poems attempt to find not only the right words, but also those that rhyme.

The final part contains whimsical sayings that attempt to convey the often-misunderstood admonishments from our wiser influences As My Pappy Used To Say and give soul to our heart and mind. These humorous sayings often hide a deeper insight into human activity.

While each of these could possibly stand on its own, it is only when viewed as a trinity that it truly reflects a whole being; heart, mind, and soul as it is reflected in intellect, emotion, and humor.

About the Author

Carl Porter has been Director of Engineering for five companies, Vice President for two, General Manager for two and has thirty years of management experience. He has worked for large companies (RCA), small companies, high-volume/low-cost, low-volume/high-cost, commercial, military, and found similar traits in all. His formal educational background is Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Ohio State University, and Master of Science from Loyola University.

In addition to his business background, Carl has published poetry in Fields of Gold and America at the Millennium, The Best Poems and Poets of the 20th Century.

Throughout all of his writings he has brought insight with a sense of humor matched only by the wits of today and the glibness of yesterday’s Will Rogers.