

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/19/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781418470593

About the Book

“...Whimsical and magical, “In The Land Of The Twarb”, is a picture fantasy for all...” Barbara Wegeman of Silverstate Fine Art.

In the High Sierras, to the west is a land only the innocent can see.

“Twarb” is the story of young Twarbians solving the theft of the bees by Lofty Twarb, their king.

Younger children will see the story through the illustrations and their parents will enjoy reading it to them while older children and adults will answer the mystery of this “bee theft”.

Regina, the queen bee will thrill you with her wisdom. Fifi, the Lo Beast and Mack, the Har, with their common sense will inspire you. And, then there is The Dweeze.

Welcome to Twarb.

About the Author

Don Petty and business partner, Mark Straley have worked jointly and separately writing for 10 years while attending school, working in computers, and the medical field.

They are co-owners of Out Of The Blue, Inc. “In The Land Of The Twarb” is Don’s first publication venture from this collaboration.

Don has won many art awards, designed a computerized library system writing the user manual for AT&T, and owned an antique book store in Avon, Connecticut.

Don has 2 other books ready for publication and is presently working on a novel and the serialization of “Twarb”, which he hopes to turn into an animated movie.

Don lives on Miami Beach fishing in the bay, and cooking the catch for a cookbook.