Matters Of Fact

by Duaine W. Thompson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/13/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781418430085

About the Book

In writing this book, Duaine Thompson’s hope was to, create a picture with words, of the way life was on the farm in rural areas before electric power, paved highways, cell phones, computers and etc.

He wanted to share his memories of growing up near the little community of Fact, Kansas because he believed the life styles of the twentieth century should be preserved for his grandchildren and future generations.

Fact was a town, trading center, and a community for everyone in the area, located in northeastern Clay County just west of Carter Creek a branch of Fancy Creek.  At one time it had a post office, grocery store, two blacksmith shops, church, school, doctor, and ice house.  This was everything a person could want or need at the time our country was settled.

These little communities have passed out of existence with the many technological changes of today.  In this book he tells about the one room country school he attended with all eight grades and only one teacher.  Also, the machine shop before electric power, the store where his mother sent him to get supplies, the sawmill operated with a steam powered tractor, windmills used to pump water for the livestock, an Altman Taylor tractor used to power the thrashing machine when harvesting wheat and oats, and a medicine man named Indian John who lived in the community.

About the Author

Duaine William Thompson was born June 24, 1935 in Washington County, Kansas, the son of Ralph and Amelia (Struber) Thompson and died September 15, 2003.  He married Anne Marie Stevenson on October 28, 1956 at the Idana, Kansas Presbyterian Church.  He was the father of two sons, Gary and wife Karen; Terry and wife Laura; and grandfather to four; Leslie, Jesse, Meaghan, and Kylee.

He was a farmer, a bulldozer operator with which he did soil conservation work, and a salesman.  From 1990 until his death he was an Insurance Agent for the Farmers Union Insurance Company.

He was baptized at the Parallel Presbyterian Church as a baby and a life long member of the Fact United Methodist Church, where he taught Sunday School and held many offices.  Also, he was a member of the Lions Club, Elks Lodge and past member of the Kansas National Guard.

Duaine was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather.  He was always very proud of his family and will always be loved and admired by them.