Building Heaven

A Do-It-Yourself Guide

by Renee Turner, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/11/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781418426736

About the Book

We are at a time in human evolution when many people are recoginizing that organized religion seems like a mere stepping stone to higher knowledge.

People’s inner spirits are longing for more answers.  We turn to other alternatives such as spiritual teachings which for the most part want us to deny our worldly needs and feelings as if they degrade our soul.

This book offers people deeper insight into their spirit while also embracing their physical reality and their ability to change it.

Building Heaven guides you into how you can create a heavenly existence here and now simply by changing your beliefs about reality that are not working for you.

Additionally the author has included insightful information for the reader to help discover and change any faulty beliefs by looking closely at your emotions and areas of ill health.

This book can help you to regain Control of your life and reality!

About the Author

Renee Turner is a Metaphysician and Reiki Healer. She currently lives in southern California. She has earned a Ph.D. in Metaphysics (the science of the connection between body, mind, and spirit.)  She is a successful Reiki Master (energy healing) and Instructor.  Renee teaches classes in developing one’s psychic or intuitive self.  Additionally, she offers consultations and presentations on many of the ideas covered in this book.  Renee’s interest in this line of study was inspired by a near-death experience when giving birth to her fourth child.