Waves of Destiny

by Brigadier General Houshang Filsouf



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/9/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9781418458577
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 198
ISBN : 9781418435967

About the Book

In the early days of 1979, when religious revolutionaries seized control of Iran and the Shah left the country, Imperial Iranian Air Force Brigadier General Houshang Filsouf was on a mission to the United States. His British wife and children were behind in Iran - a Westernized family left to fend for themselves amid a society besieged by arrests, executions and hatred. Filsouf, a military elite with feet firmly planted in both the Eastern and Western worlds, tells of the danger his family faced, their remarkable escape, and the faith that kept them alive. This is a story of destiny, of the unexpected love between a young Iranian Air Force officer and a charming young woman from England. It is a story of faith in God, of a life cast among the rippling currents of hope and despair during a period of national and international upheaval. This is the story of Houshang Filsouf, and of the waves of destiny that taught him to believe in miracles.

About the Author

Houshang Filsouf is a retired Brigadier General and Director of Training for the Imperial Iranian Air Force. Born in Iran in 1931, he spent several years working with the British Royal Air Force in the UK. As I.I.A.F. Director of Training, he also worked frequently with the United States Air Force. Filsouf became an American citizen in 1986 and now lives in Amarillo, Texas, with his wife, Monica, and his family.