by John W. Fellows



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/31/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781418433574
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781418433581

About the Book

This riveting Sci-Fi Adventure/Thriller is redolent of the Indiana Jones trilogy and the Star Wars episodes, combined.  It will challenge even the most avid Sci-Fi thriller reader to comprehend the depths of this interdimensional journey.  EAGLE THAT SOARS’ journey will take you from Atlantis to Pathranon in a galaxy caught in another time, beyond your imagination.

When the FBI discover that Shawn, an American Indian MIT scientist,  blew up his house and is currently hospitalized as a result, the FBI feels that Shawn’s newly developed “Power Plant” – a machine that creates negative gravity – could spell ruin for the oil and transportation industry.  The FBI gives orders to stop Shawn and destroy his Power Plant, even if it means killing him and his friends.

When Shawn discovers that he’s an object of suspicion, he escapes from the hospital with the help of an attractive physician.  The pair go on the run ending up in the Southwest where Shawn has many friends, including one who had worked as a rocket scientist. 

Shawn spots an Old Indian and is mystically drawn to him.  The old man introduces himself to Shawn as Two Rivers, and tells Shawn that his Indian name is EAGLE THAT SOARS.  Two Rivers and the mystic spiritual leader help Shawn rediscover former powers and his destiny.

At the same time, the FBI are hot on Shawn’s trail, and ultimately track him down to the desert where the FBI close in for the kill...

About the Author

Truth is like Grace; Time is like Water; Life is like an Ocean.  Each, like the author, have various degrees of reality.  You can’t hold Grace in your hand, nor can you hold water for very long.  The Ocean, like the author, has many different aspects – some more fiction than reality - some more reality than time. 

In our quest of the reality of life, it sometimes becomes clouded by the fiction of our reality-defined world.  The test is our Grace; the conclusion, our fiction; the answer, a question mark.