Just A Glimpse Of The End Days

The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand

by Evangelist Quincy D. Melvin Sr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/24/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781418424534

About the Book

This book is an excellence and effectiveness way of learning Biblical history And world history itself. It is written for those who refuse to waste A single day and who fervently desire to build an everlasting relationship With God and his Son Jesus the Christ.

This book opens the eyes of any believe and the doors of understanding to The revealed word of God to the reader. his or her eyes will be opened to the Pass and the future you will understand the beginning of the times of the  Gentiles and their fall. The study of the Church ages, the Babylon statue of King Nebuchadnezzar, the Judgments, the holy city of the New Jerusalem And the world Empires.

About the Author

Minister Quincy D. Melvin Sr. Preacher, Evangelist, Author and Motivational Speaker. He has influenced many by the love of God and touched many through God’s word. By various outreach ministries such as radio, hospitals, prisons nursing homes and street ministry. He was also involved with the NAACP as a youth counselor to help promote civil rights awareness to the community and local church. Minister Melvin has also obtained a degree in Theology from Lighthouse Christian College, Beebee Arkansas and a Post Grad degree from Eastern Bible Institute, Newark New Jersey. Minister Melvin and his wife Annette resides in Texas with their four children.