by Robert W. Schmitt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/25/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781418401726

About the Book


My more extensive travels,, which I have briefly described in this book, actually begin in World War II, continuing during the early part of my adult life, including work-related travel, family travel, and eventually, retirement travel.  My introduction to more limited domestic travel in my childhood, fortified by an elementary teacher’s impressive shared-knowledge of homeland and foreign travel, are also mentioned to reveal the source of the catalyst that was responsible for my itching feet and a determination to “see”-ze the big waiting world out there.  In a way, doesn’t it also belong to me?  Haven’t you and I inherited it as members of the human race?  Shouldn’t we see it and enjoy it as much as possible? 

In my travels I have met people from all over this wide world.  These folks have given me a representative cross-section of all races, religious, and national origins.  This association has taught me that there is intelligence, beauty, and admirable qualities in all peoples.  While I have noted that some are more advantaged than others, there is a potential, everywhere, given the environment and opportunities.

I urge you to travel whenever the opportunity avails itself.  “See”-ze the world for it truly does belongs to you, as much as to anyone else.  The memories that you will acquire will remain with you always.  You will be a bigger and better person in a smaller world! 

I’ve been privileged to see a lot of this earth
In traveling around its length and girth
Many other places that I’d like to see
Include Greenland, Tibet, and exotic Tahiti
There are so many places and things on this orb
That one finds it impossible to totally absorb
God willing, I’d like to include Nepal
But then I remember, one can’t see it all

About the Author

The author is a retired Civil (Hydraulic/Hydrologic) Engineer who has always had an unusual enthusiasm and drive to travel.  Encouraged as a child by family mobility and an elementary school geography- teacher, he needed to see for himself that these exotic places did, in fact, “measure up.”   He found the world to be a fascinating expanse, populated with interesting peoples, and has taken every opportunity to savor as much of it as he could.  His reason for writing this book is to encourage others to seek and enjoy memorable travels as well.