Yellowed fangs drip crimson droplets, blood mats fur upon its chest, still the werewolf prowls at midnight, cursed heart pounding in his chest.
Once a man, so long ago, he’s now forgotten human ways, daylight turns him into human, but inside the beast remains.
Foolish mortals dare the midnight, midnight woods, dark forest deep. Dawn, it comes, a lonely wanderer, lost forever, someone weeps,
But, for them, there is no answer, but from nightmares in the dark still their minds are clutched by fingers, icy fingers clutch their hearts,
And their hearts will know the answer, beasts of nightmares live- they’re real! If you dare the woods at midnight, foolish you, your fate you seal.
Glorious is every day, I wake and know my dreams still live, reality they soon will be, for I have faith in gifts God gives,
Everyone should have such faith, in things you’re good at, things you love, and I don’t care how poor you are, if you persist, you’ll rise above,
With practice, faith, and honesty, your life will change, so don’t give in, when trouble knocks upon your door, ask Christ for help, he will come in,
Christ will come and change your life, and all you have to do is ask, no matter what your troubles be, for God above, too great’s no task,
And anything is possible, if faith you have, trust in the Lord, I myself am living proof, long darkness lurked outside my door,
But ask of God, the darkness fades, the light of God will make it flee, so never lose your hope, your faith, and from your troubles, you’ll be freed.
Curse of midnight, vulgar vampire, prince of darkness, king of death, on the soft neck of the maiden, burning cold, his rank, vile breath.
From the mountains, far above them, from his cave, he creeps at night, freezing now the hearts of children, tales of creatures in the night.
Feasting now, for many ages, on the foolish, mortal sheep. Ages past, he once was human, beast he is, but his soul weeps,
Weeping always, for his victims, but at night he still must feed. Demon curse, forever rules him, lusting blood beyond all greed.
In the night the forest whimpers, as his evil passes by, mourning trees weep for his victims, nothing living wants to die.
Ages now, he’s lived in nightmares, many maidens soft sweet flesh, day at last the shadows conquer, on the forest falls a hush.
The night is cold, my dreams have fled, the shadows creep into my room, their icy darkness steals my breath, the chamber, dark, becomes a tomb.
My nightmares wake and roam my mind, but memories of dreams awake, they war in silence in my mind, the victor, there, will rule my fate,
The leering demons in the mist, they turn to flee, I will not fail, my body it betrays me now, but still my mind is pure, and hale.
Their master on his shadow throne, he clutches chains, steals good men’s dreams, and from the shadows comes a stench, the crack of whips and mournful screams,
The demon sweat, that putrid reek, escapes through cracks, it sulfur births, and taints the rocks nd dirt, it flees, but wounded deep the ancient earth.
Sometimes in the summer dusk, the lady of the lake appears, but in a flash she vanishes, if any mortal wanders near,
A water spirit, pure and true, escaped her chains, the land of ghosts, her evil lord then screamed with rage, and searched for her, then with his hosts,
She fled then to the eastern lands, of mortal earth, then to the deep, the darkest depths now, of the sea, had welcomed her, and would not speak,
But in her heart, she’d longed to gaze, upon the near immortal stars, bound she is though, to her fears, and from that joy, then she is barred,
The evil one had turned his eyes, toward nightmares that became his dreams, till at last she takes a chance, to watch the distant stars that gleam,
Lucky is the earthbound soul, that gazes on her ghostly form, her very presence fills them up, and then forever, keeps them warm,
None that saw her came to speak, of the spirit they had seen, of her beauty or the stars, beneath their glow, and how she beamed.
Mountains rise from twisted earth, as the fis