by Theodore W. Daw



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781418476120
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781452059273

About the Book

Why haven’t I heard about this before?  Maybe I can answer that.  We have focused a lot of our hard earned taxpayer money and our attention and our faith from our hearts toward our trusted research team.  But in fact they search mostly for drugs that can become commercially profitable.  Our high tech labs “experiment with the unspeakable at a disgraceful cost”.

The Lord’s “Masterpiece” need not be tampered with, only nurtured!

This book fits the pieces of the puzzle together for the real answers to the cancer mystery.  The encyclopedias and health books will confirm, we should look not to the high-tech digital electronics in the laboratories for survival, but instead in our Kitchen!


About the Author

Ted grew up on land homesteaded by his ancestors on the Rogue River in Southern Oregon.  He hunted his food in the early teen years, made home brew, raced hot rods and loved the girls like any American boy in the fifties.

When his Father was taken with cancer he searched desperately for the answers.  Then he himself was stricken with three different kinds of terminal cancer.  That was 1995.

Ted believes the Lord has granted him this extra time to solve the big puzzle so that others may not have to suffer the humiliations of cancer.  He believes that anyone at any age or any stage can stop cancer and cure it, period!