Untouchable Bad Boys Of The Pulpit

And How To Help Them

by Lorna W. Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/5/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781418482220

About the Book


And how to help them



In the Body of Christ, the stability of the men of God is crucial and directly relates to the mark they make on their flock. These men are called, chosen, and set apart by God for a purpose. Consequently, when the integrity of the sacred office of ministry is compromised, it has a devastating effect on the Body of Christ, and the repercussions reverberate throughout the church and even to the outside.


Untouchable Bad Boys of the Pulpit takes a journey through the mental and spiritual struggles of men of God who fall out of purpose and knock others off balance right along with them. Therefore, this book also provides some answers to help us overcome, maintain a balance, and fulfill God’s calling on our lives.


As children of God, we all have to take responsibility for our actions because what we do affects those around us, even if we are not in the pulpit.

About the Author

Lorna W. Smith is a published poet in the International Library of Poetry and is currently working on publishing an entire collection of poems.  Smith has a shepherd’s heart that empathizes with the leaders of the Body of Christ.

This poet and first-time author feels that some of the heads of the churches today are crying out and they must be helped in order that the people of God not go astray. In this first venture into the book world, Smith passionately describes the turmoil of these lost men of God and the ways they can be helped.



How to Contact the Author:


P.O. Box 1013

Conyers, Georgia 30012

Email: free2dreamagain2004@yahoo.com