Our Flying Vet and Other Country Tales

by Nelson W. Leet



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/7/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781425974763

About the Book

About the Author

Few of us go through life sticking to one profession. I, Nelson Leet, attended Penn State College for two years, after which I returned home to run the family farm. Thirty years later we sold the cows and I followed in my Dad’s footsteps when I became involved in both insurance and banking.

            Alvena and I had four children, all of whom completed college and have families of their own. I live on the family farm of four hundred acres. I was born in the very same farmhouse where my Dad was given birth long ago. The house has been remodeled many times since the 1800’s.

            I feel so lucky that the Lord has allowed me these extra years to reflect upon my life and commit to the written page some of my childhood days. Enjoy.