Many folks go through periods of their mental lives in which they wonder “why am I here” or why do we all live. What is the meaning of life? Well the answer is simple. The only reason God gives us life is to promote our soul’s growth for us to eventually become fit companions to him. Remember in Genesis He said “there was loneliness and loneliness was evil”. So the only time God calls something “evil” was when He was lonely. When you have a companion you do not always have to agree nor do you each have to be exactly alike. What counts is you both have experiences to share with one another and do share most of the same values. This is what God expects of us. For us to grow into fit companions so He won’t be lonely and that means we have to accumulate many experiences (can you imagine sitting around a camp fire telling the same ‘ol story over and over again--- boring). To share with God and others as well as grow in our own conviction as to what our values are is the meaning of life. When asked “who are you?” half that answer is “I am the sum total of the values I have created through the experiences God has given me to grow over.”
Who are we? We are a mind created in the First Mind’s image and therefore we only have to look within and understand ourselves in order to understand God. We operate on a few laws of mind. The karmic law of “What you sow you reap.” This I’ll explain in detail in the chapter “My Heresies”. Basically, what you sow out mentally you shall reap as an experience in your own life.
The next law is “The Law of Condemnation”. What you condemn you shall become. It’s scripture is “Mock not the Lord High God.” When we condemn others we are mocking their actions and that is condemning God within that soul in a process of soul growth. So when you condemn others you end up doing what you condemned them for doing. It’s part of karmic justice in you sow condemnation then you get the opportunity to do the same action and condemn yourself. Its simply better not to judge at all.
“The Law of Resentment”. This critter has to be the worst mental law there is. For me it is. The Law of Resentment means when someone does you wrong and you resent them for doing that wrong, you in passing judgment on them, take on their own karma through the Law of Condemnation. Even worse yet are the consequences the resentment fester. The word resentment comes from a Latin term “resentores” meaning to “re-feel”. The mental act of resenting then is rethinking with negative emotion an action done against yourself which repeats itself so the soul can “re-feel” the event in hopes of understanding what happened. So the Law of Resentment means when you hold something against someone else you actually are creating a self fulfilling prophecy and you will continue to relive that pain until you treat each situation correctly by sowing forgiveness to them and then asking God to forgive you if you did the act first. In order to end repeated painful events you must first sow forgiveness and then reap it according to the laws of “Sow and Reap.”. Forgive the person, then ask God to forgive you if in the past or a past life, you did that same thing first. In another chapter I’ll show how the Law of Resentment is behind the mental cause of cancer and how to end the mental portion thereby speeding your way to a full recovery.