The Big Picture

The Past, The Present, & Your Children's Future

by Peter W. Hauer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/13/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781420815368
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781420815351

About the Book

What causes poverty? Can poverty be eliminated? Why do we keep moving towards global government? Are world events controlled by a secret group of powerful insiders? What will our society be like two or three generations from now? The answers to all these questions are in this book. Take a lightning fast trip through 2400 years of history. Along the way you’ll discover why we live the way we do, and what your children’s future will be. It’s an exciting ride, and this book takes you all the way from the beginning of civilization to its end…which is just around the corner!

About the Author

Peter Hauer is a former US Navy JAG Corps officer, and a retired attorney. Mr. Hauer has devoted the past decade to researching history, economics, and religion in order to produce this remarkable book.

WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK: Several years ago I was using the treadmill at my local gym. The television directly in front of me was showing a news story about the plight of homeless people. The older fellow on my right blurted out, “Most of those guys are drug addicts or alcoholics. It’s their fault they’re homeless.” I was surprised, because people rarely talk openly about controversial topics at the gym. Before I could think of a reply, the younger man on my left chimed in with something like, “How can you say that? They still need help. How they got homeless doesn’t matter now.” The older fellow snorted back something about tax money being wasted, and then the younger man turned away in disgust. Both men quickly decided they wanted nothing more to do with each other. Suddenly it dawned on me. I had just witnessed the great divide in Western culture. It all took place in less than fifteen feet, and in less than ten seconds. I was in the middle. I felt sorry for the homeless people, yet I also had nagging doubts about what they had done to become homeless. If I could see both points of view, then why were these other two men so polarized? Why do liberals and conservatives think so differently about poverty? Why do liberals and conservatives also think differently about society, government, and every controversial issue we face today? For nearly four years I searched for explanations, through books on history, politics, religion, and economics. I found the answers. As my understanding grew, I began to see the proverbial “big picture.” I discovered where conservative and liberal ideas came from. More importantly, I could see where these ideas were taking us. This gave me a surprising view into the future. The future will not be what you expect. The 20th century saw a fatal change in Western culture. This change will destroy Western culture in the 21st century, unless we act quickly. As things stand now, the 2,400 year old struggle between conservatism and liberalism will soon be settled by a third force, which is poised to destroy them both.