Smile! I Love You Love, God

Insights into Meaningful Living

by Cynthia C. Dubé



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/3/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781420801460

About the Book

When was the last time you let God love you? Maybe it is about time to try and see what it is like! He wants you to know that He cares about you.  He is ever present to you.  He shows His love for you in everyone and everything. You have to look for it, but it is there.  Nothing happens in your life that wasn’t meant to be there.  You must seize the opportunity to make the best of every moment.  It is your choice. You can make your life and the life of others worth living.  So why not give it a try. Open your mind and heart and let God in.  See how your life will change for the better.  Love is what your life is all about. God really does love you more than you can believe! SMILE, and count your blessings! You are a Child of God and of the Universe – so CELEBRATE life and live it to the fullest!

About the Author

The author has an extensive background in science, electronics, computers, the environment, technology, and TV production and directing.  She has integrated her knowledge of science and spirituality into a philosophy based on a responsible stewardship of the Earth and Creation.  She has previously authored “I Want to Walk with You, Love, God”, “Mystery, Myth, Mysticism, and Miracles”, “Thinking Your Way through Physics by Problem Solving”, and a Physics textbook.  Her photography has been published in the International Library of Photography’s “Divine Designs”.  She has produced and directed the video series “The Magic of Physics”. She is listed in “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering”, and “The World’s Who’s Who of Women”, et. al. She was a Bell & Howell Fellow.