Metrano's Accidental Comedy

by Art Metrano & With Cynthia Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/6/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781420800265

About the Book

“Metrano’s Accidental Comedy deals with such an emotional kind of power, you really can’t talk about it. He hit an emotional cord that’s so deep, it’s beyond the simple description of it.”

Barry Levinson---Academy Award-winning Director


“It’s something that defies words to see a man who has such gifts, such power. Metrano’s story should be seen by everybody in the whole world. “

Jerry Stiller---Actor/ Comedian


It moved me so much I could barely speak… Metrano’s Accidental Comedy is profoundly courageous, life-affirming and transformational.

Laura Dern---Actress


 “Brilliant. I was very moved by  Metrano’s Accidental Comedy.  I don’t know how you can’t be. It’s very, very powerful, very funny, extremely moving. Quite an experience.”

Craig T. Nelson---Actor


“If there is a definition in the dictionary for toughness, this guy’s picture is right next to it. This is a smashingly great show!”

Robert Forster---Actor


“HE’S AMAZING AND IT’S NO ACCIDENT…Beautifully written, his narrative of his triumph over disaster is tremendously moving and deeply inspirational..”

Howard Kissel---New York Daily News


“Art Metrano’s saga of courage and overcoming adversity will uplifting and inspirational to all readers.”

Vincent Bugliosi -Attorney  & Author  of “Helter Skelter”


“This one-man comedy/drama is nothing short of breathtaking. Art’s bravura performance, humorously recounting his early days, his recent tragedy and the long road back to recovery was irresistible and brilliant. Everybody on the planet should see it!”

Mel Torme---Singer


About the Author

Art Metrano has enjoyed a long successful career in movies and television. His standup comedy routine “The Amazing Metrano” on the Johnny Carson show catapulted his career. Appearing in over 35 films, 200 TV shows and commercials. His appearance in the “Police Academy Films” as Lt. Mauser earning over 400 million in the box office gained him new popularity with young fans .Recently Art has appeared on TV in The District, The Profiler, Chicago Hope and Party of Five. Metrano is now involved with “WYNGS, an organization that supports people with spinal cord injuries and with GenPol an organization that is working to find the cure through Stem Cell research.