My Life's Journey

Increase NASA Space Exploration(President Jimmy Carter) or Strengthen National Defense(President Ronald Reagan)

by Dell Wright



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/11/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781452047133

About the Book

In pursuit of an affordable opportunity to travel and see the world and meet with the native people of these various foreign countries, the book tells of how the writer was able to make contact with natives in their homeland, see and learn of their daily, typical lifestyle and simultaneously, assist the United States Government with achieving some of it’s national goals and national prides.

The book, as its story unfolds, tells how the writer accomplishes his twofold interest, as he joined and became a solid force amongst his technical team, providing his technical expertise to some of this countries largest, leading edge technology, defense contractors.

The book tells the story how the writer joined with highly trained and skilled engineers, scientists, and technicians and shared his technical work experience and technical skills with these respectable, trained professionals on some of NASA’s, highly publicized, space explorations and missions programs.

Dell Wright has traveled to such exotic places as, Hong Kong China, Singapore, Bangkok Thailand, Taiwan, Nigeria & Kenya Africa, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Jordan, Ecuador, S.A., Bogota, Columbia, S.A., England, Germany, Amsterdam, Mahe Seychelles Island and more.

About the Author

Dell Wright, removed the obstacles and the environmental barriers from his living surroundings and moved on and up in his life to climb the American Corporate ladder, in mainstream America.

In his unstoppable search for self pride, self respect, self reliance, dignity and to gain a deep sense of being productive in a very important and meaningful way and to assist the United States of America with some of its important, national goals and national prides, he provided very valuable and confirmed, technical knowledge and technical assistance to the United States Defense Department, helping with developing spphisticated, highly technical, weapons defense systems.

As well, he provided his technical skills and high quality work experience with some of NASA’s (national aeronautics & space administration) high profiled, widely published, world known, space exploration programs, to include the Galileo Spacecraft, missioned to fly to planet Jupiter. And he actively supported during realtime equatorial orbits, the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), the world’s first, international, joint, manned, space mission, where two spacecraft,(American & Russian/Apollo & Soyuz) docked in space and also conducted several, important, scientific experiments, while in space.

Mr. Wright also provided laboratory support to the Airborne Laser Tracker (ALT) a laser tracking missile that increases the effectiveness of missiles using precise laser beams.

Dell is an established, worldwide, traveler and have visited such well known countries as, Hong Kong, Bangkok Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Nigeria and Kenya Africa, Amsterdam, England, Germany, Canada, Mahe Seychelles Island, Hawaii, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Ireland and more.

Dell Wright is proud to claim credit for achieving professional titles, such as, aerospace engineer, executive director, inventor, chairman of the public utilities comission, business owner and published, book author.

He has been selected and published in Marquis’s 5th edition, 2002, Who’s Who in America, Marquis’s 2004-2005, 5th edition, Who’s Who in medicine and healthcare, Marquis’s, 2000-2001, 5th edition, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering.