The story of my husband, John, and our family is a testimony of God’s faithful and complete provision. It is my desire to share with you the details of how our trust in God sustained us in unbelievably horrible circumstances.
We lived in a world of great turmoil. The events of World War II in Europe touched us in direct and indirect ways just as it did millions of others. Quite possibly, the cruelty of being a political prisoner after the war, gave John the opportunity to begin his faith journey as no other circumstance could have. It was a trial like those in James 1 as God searched to see what John would do with his faith.
I was supported by my own faith during John’s ordeal. The Holy Spirit guided all of us through. Just two months after John’s arrest, while meeting with another wife, I read Revelation 2:10: “Ten days and I will be to you a crown of righteousness”. I knew then that God had a limit on John’s time in prison. There were eleven other men seized with him, but their family members agreed with me, that meeting together or having frequent contact would make matters worse.
Time and time again, God provided what we needed: a job for me, schooling for my son, family and friends to help us physically and spiritually. And finally, the influence of two American presidents totally changed our lives; though they probably never knew the good they did for the political prisoners.
I trust that by reading our story you will be encouraged to accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord and if you already know Him that you will be determined to trust Him even more.
Helen Ginga