Eternally Yours

by S. L. Juers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/9/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781420811773

About the Book

After more than two centuries, the man felt he had endured enough. Born Rudolph Sonthofen and transformed into a vampire at a young age, he adapted to the limitations of his bizarre being. But, his prolonged life was filled with loss, grief, frustration, and deceit. No longer did this cursed person feel it worthwhile to survive. No longer did he want to pass the endless nights hopeless and alone. No longer did he want to be immortal among mortals.

Having outlived all who knew him, this vampire recounts his life in a suicide letter which he signs anonymously “Eternally Yours.”

About the Author

S.L. Juers had no idea that his first job in a library would be foreshadowing of his future.  It was years later, while in the military, that he became aware of the importance of his Writing.  He would compose letters to friends and family that were as entertaining as they were informative.  He discovered his ability as a storyteller.

Since then, S.L. Juers strives to craft his tales in such a way that any who happen upon them will feel better for the experience.

He still visits libraries for research, to seek quiet as he writes, and, sometimes, just to walk among the rows of volumes of those who have accomplished what he is compelled to do.