The Good Friday Myth

and the Prophecy it Conceals

by Cecil W. Davies

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/23/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781420826166
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781463475598

About the Book

This is one Bible study you won’t want to miss. 


It shows when the Crucifixion really occurred, and how to confirm that from the Old Testament alone. Fresh insights reveal previously unrecognized parallels between the Crucifixion and modern history that illustrate how the Crucifixion timeline is a key to understanding end times prophecy.


Recognizing our place in the procession of last day events will enable those who already know the Lord as their savior to become more efficient in their Christian service.  Twelve previously unrecognized patterns illustrate where we are in that schedule of last day events.  Even if you disagree with the positions presented, these are issues you need to have answers for.

About the Author

Cecil Davies is a truck driver, not a pastor or theologian.  He began this study after losing a truck coming down a mountain.  He’s a working man who writes in plain language without the specialized vocabulary most scholars use.


His livelihood isn’t tied to Biblical interpretation.  He doesn’t have to be politically correct.  That leaves him free to raise questions and tackle issues that would get most pastors laughed out of the pulpit.


He believes the Bible is God’s infallible word and each time man has thought they found an error or contradiction, the true short-coming has been in man’s own understanding.  So he’s not afraid to confront big time preachers who’ve been promoting a misunderstanding of God’s word.