I have often wondered why the imbalances we witness in life exist at all, not to mention why it persists. Somehow, some families are faced with certain inexplicable problems that waste their clan even before their time. It is like a spiritual barrier that limits men from making it in life. The picture of happenings within the church of God if graphically drawn is an ominous one. It is so hopeless that the accounts are indeed frightening.
Many innocent and kind-hearted people suffer due to faults that are not theirs. When one looks at the whole picture of the kinds of suffering men go through in life one wonders why. One thing that is however clear is that demonic entities do not operate in men’s lives without legal reasons. As a result many families are bound and heavily afflicted without any hope of deliverance by ‘lawful captivity’. If they had had an idea of the battle against their lives, they should have at least sought for help from those who could help them draw strategic spiritual battle plans
Ignorance has continued to be a major weapon the enemy wields against his victims. The enemy is having a field day by taking advantage of peoples’ weaknesses and attacking them from the position of knowledge. This has left many souls thoroughly abused, tormented, used, harassed, and embarrassed. This is because they have been made to believe, in their weakness and ignorance that there is no hope of deliverance. The morbid encounters they experienced left lasting impression in the hearts that there is no hope in sight and they passionately believe it.
This lie of Satan has made them resign to fate and believe nothing could be done about it. Some see it as family problems, which they have prepared themselves and their children to accept with equanimity. You hear them proudly saying that ‘It runs in the family’. The fact that cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma etc had over the years easily and successfully destroyed several generations of family members, while others seeing no way out of it are prepared for the same affliction.
This is not supposed to be so because there is a way out in Christ Jesus. The name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runs into it and they are safe. With consistent targeted spiritual warfare prayers the situation should long have been overcome.
‘He delivereth the poor in his affliction, and openeth their ears in oppression. Even so would he have moved thee out of the strait into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and that which should be set on thy table should be full of fatness.’ (Job 36:15-16).
This work is a follow up to my two books ‘Fighting Your Way to Victory – principles of victory over stubborn problems’ which deals with the revival of one’s prayer life, and ‘Smashing the Gates of the Enemy – through Strategic Prayers’ which encourages the believer to engage in strategic spiritual warfare in order to unseat the powers of darkness limiting them from entering into their inheritance. The book is titled ‘Dealing with Generation Wasters’.
It reveals the operations of generation wasters in men’s lives and tries to explain why many people have experienced untold hardships and sufferings that are beyond human comprehension. The kinds of sufferings some go through makes one to believe they are better of dead than alive. It is such that makes a graduate, with obvious opportunities in life to end up as a menial worker. This regular sequence of events is passed down from generation to generation with varied degrees of wickedness and sufferings. They have experienced a history of failure at the point of success and every attempt to go higher is thwarted by invisible barriers unknown to them.
The generation wasters with the assistance of spiritual gates have defined the limits of people’s success and how far they can go in life. In order for them to break this barrier, there must be divine intervention. The first step towards victory is to comprehend what the problem is, acknowledge it, and seek for help. Some have failed to accept the situation on ground, but continue to pretend, even after the facts have been made clear to them through personal and realistic assessment of their lives.
While, it is obvious to all that they are bound, yet they carry on as if nothing is happening.