Strangers Among Us


by Stephanie Renee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781463477097

About the Book

Edwina Abrams thinks she knows and understands the ghost who’s been haunting her since she was a teenager.  She thinks she has nothing to be afraid of.  She is dead wrong.

About the Author

Stephanie Renee is no stranger to science fiction.  She has been a huge fan of every single sci fi program on television and cinema since she was a child growing up in the late60’s early 70’s.  This book is Stephanie’s dream.  It is a story she’s been working on for a long time.  Let a long time sci fi fan give you a great enjoyable sci fi story.