Tumbleweed Rain

by Jack W. Nyulassie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781420814545

About the Book

Tumbleweed Rain is an epic story of love, politics, and the struggle of Reconstruction after the Civil War and the ongoing campaign in the West against the Indian. Chance McAllister, a Confederate cavalryman was stationed in the West during the last part of the Civil War. During his duty there he came in contact with many different Indian tribes and found them to be very peaceful people On his travels after the war to his home in Memphis he finds a job to earn money for his trip at a local mercantile. There he meets a young Indian woman, “Tumbleweed Rain.” Little did Chance know how this young Indian woman would eventually change his life.

About the Author

In Jack Nyulassie’s second book, Tumbleweed Rain, it’s the year 1865 and the main character, Chance McAllister, a Confederate cavalry soldier stationed in the West makes his way back to his home in Memphis. Jack has captured the atmosphere of the time during the Reconstruction of a nation, the politics of the times and the struggle of the American Indian war. During Chance’s travels home he meets a young Indian woman, Tumbleweed Rain. Little did Chance know that this meeting would eventually change his life. Jack’s love of history and his years as a Civil War re-enactor have come alive in this epic story. Follow Chance all the way to the White House in his quest to better a country.