Return to the Saddle

by James W. Cole



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/27/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781420860221

About the Book

Return to the saddle is a story about a family man, John Colter, living and working a wagon freight business in Sacramento, California.  Colter and his friends are pressed into service when a neighbor’s child is abducted in broad daylight. 

Because of his experience with Indians, outlaws, wagon trains, and other frontier encounters, the Church Pastor thinks John Colter is the man for the job of finding the missing child.

The chase takes Colter and friends out of their quiet little spot and puts them back in the saddle to ride across the mountains and back into the Virginia City area where Colter had spent some time in the past.

The trail turns hard with many twists.  Men are killed as well as new friends made.  Huge questions arise about morality, justice, and simply “the right thin.”  John and his friends forge ahead for the greater good—to find the missing child.


About the Author

The author, James W. Cole, comes from South Mississippi.  He was raised on a rural farm where they had cattle, dogs, and horses.  By the time James came along the older brothers were about all gone and James was left to tend cows and horses with his dad. 

James has always been intrigued with American history, especially the Old West history.  Some of his childhood heroes were Wild Bill Hicock and General Custer.  Heroes also appeared on TV, such as Roy Rogers and Gene Autry

His imagination has always been very active, and stories can be written at the drop of a hat.  Mr. Cole has strived to keep his stories written for a general audience so anyone can read them.

At age 25 James began to run cross country in an eighteen wheeler and the sights of the Old West just fueled his imagination and made him want to write even more scenes from the Donner Pass and the Oregon Trail.  He has traveled the routes the Pioneers traveled, walked the trails the Settlers walked; he has also seen places like the Columbia River, where Lewis and Clark traveled.

Mr. Cole is a family man and thus wants to pass on family values.  The stories he writes reflect just that.  He and his wife, Teresa, have two children and three grandchildren.  Many of his stories reflect his love for them.