Christmas Gifts

My Mustard Seed to the World

by Todd W. Utzig



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/23/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781420849530

About the Book

Christmas Gifts is a collection.  It is useful and therefore a useful gift.  Christmas Gifts is unorthodox in the sense that it consists of a companion to 1st John entitled Of First Importance (2004), a thirty-one day devotional entitled Perspectives: From the Manger to the Cross (1998), a guide to salvation entitled The Answer and The Quote Bag.  Christmas Gifts is a great stocking stuffer for Bible teachers.

              You can begin this collection from virtually anywhere.  Expect to be challenged.  Enjoy.  Challenge is not a four letter word.  Oh yeah, merry Christmas.

“Annual mission drives are great for reminding us how fortunate we are but do little in terms of continuously fanning the flame of the faith which turned the world upside down.  Right side up is not.  Give anyway.” Pg 4

About the Author

Todd W. Utzig is an author, editor and, in the best sense of the word, an instigator.  He founded The Institute for Contextual Correctness in 2003.  He is the editor of In The Middle Magazine.  He wrote Perspectives: From the Manger to the Cross, a thirty-one day devotional, while living in Puerto Rico (1998). 

Todd Utzig was born December 8, 1967 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  He is a graduate of Brandon Valley High School (Brandon, SD) and Brown Institute (Minneapolis, MN).  He married Ana Cruz on April 29, 1997.  They have two sons.