What Happens When God Moves
Book Details
About the Book
What Happens When God Moves is a true inspirational about the life of a young woman who experiences many trials and tribulations over a decade of her life which include incest which results in pregnancy, death of child, brief incarceration, witnessing a shooting, almost becoming homeless, and losing her job. All these circumstances develop this young entrepreneur into very successful business-woman, motivational speaker, consultant, singer, actor and now author. This true story should inspire others to never give up and keep the faith and to walk in the direction that the Lord is leading you in at all times. The book will also minister to couples who are or have experienced rocky times in their marriage. The struggle comes before success!
About the Author
Sharen Rooks is the CEO/Founder of The Sharen Rooks Agency Public Relations and Community Activist Firm in
She has been featured in two local movies, 100 Lives, Directed by Phil Wallace (2008) and N-Secure Directed by David Moore, Written by Julius Lewis and Co-Written by Christie Taylor (2008).
She and her husband Minister Kevin Rooks also counsel couples in their home as a team to reach out and share their story from heartbreak to healing. They couple is currently working on their new book, Handling Success With the One You Love, release date mid summer 2009. She is humorous, compassionate, and walks with integrity. You see through her participation, What Can Happen When God Moves.