Plastic Practice

by Chuck Noranel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/21/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781420828566

About the Book

Plastic Practice is a fast-paced ride thorugh the hilarity and insanity of the corporate life. The spotlight is on career pressures, bad bosses, egos and business challenges at “First Galaxy Bank, the largest credit bank.” The story includes: Riichard Shunk –an executive who changed his first name to impress the Chairman. Debbie Shunk -- >meets Richard Shunk at a tragic transition point, not knowing that more challenges await her. The Chairman –a complex man who rules with an iron fist. The Needy Billionaire –a person with an insatiable appetite for money. The Man Of Ideas –Nick-named Dimy, because he always wants to Do It My Way. Perhaps you have met some of these people?

About the Author

Chuck Noranel has over 20 years experience in banking and finance.  He has received numerous awards for the business and customer service achievements.  Blessed with the gift of keen observation and a twisted sense of humor, he is able to provide a uniquely fresh insider’s view into the highest levels of business.  Chuck lives with his family in Newark, Delaware.