Walking the Path of ChristoSophia

Exploring the Hidden Tradition in Christian Spirituality

by Cynthia Avens & Richard Zelley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/22/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 456
ISBN : 9781420834925

About the Book

A hidden tradition of Christian spirituality has always existed alongside the institution of the Christian church.  In the past only a few hardy pilgrims explored the mysteries of the hidden tradition on the “spiritual bypaths,” whereas the majority of Christians traveled upon the familiar “highway” represented by the church.  However, the challenges of our modern world demand that we explore the riches of Christianity’s hidden tradition, and recent discoveries have opened the spiritual bypaths to all dedicated seekers. Walking the Path of ChristoSopia invites you to join in the quest along the nature, feminine, and mystical bypaths of Christian spirituality as it integrates scholarly investigations of the hidden tradition with practical applications to help the contemporary seeker explore these bypaths.

About the Author

Cynthia Avens and Richard Zelley have explored the spiritual bypaths for many years as both scholars and practitioners.  Cynthia has an M.S. in Counseling Psychology and has been a college professor for over 25 years.  Richard has an M.A. in Musicology and an M.Div. degree. He has been a college professor for over 40 years and is an Eastern Orthodox priest.  Their special interests include Jungian psychology, Celtic Christianity, feminist spirituality, Kabbalah, and Eastern Orthodox mysticism.  In 1990 they founded the ChristoSophia Community for seekers to come together to explore the hidden tradition of Christian sprirituality.  Richard and Cynthia are married and share four grown children.