Poetic Scriptures of Wisdom, Love & Truth
Book Details
About the Book
POETIC SCRIPTURES OF WISDOM, LOVE & TRUTH is a deeply inspiring book that draws upon faith, love and social awareness concerning everyday life struggles. As human beings we are constantly at war with our inner spirit and fleshly desires on a daily basis. These messages testify to God’s love and compassion for all mankind. The Scriptures of God’s Word supports each poetic message. There is a sure sense of inner peace contained in each message that will help the reader to examine their faith, seeking earnestly to maintain and establish a personal relationship with God, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Ron Williams demonstrates a passionate faith in God, and these poetic messages provide words of wisdom for everyone. These messages of wisdom will lead the reader to realize that the word of God has all the answers to overcome the schemes and tricks of Satan that we all face on a daily basis. These creative and rhythmic messages that the author shares are loving testimonies of everyday trails and tribulations that we all experience in our search for inner peace, love and true purpose of our existence in life. These messages communicate the common theme of God’s greatness. Ron’s poetic messages, followed by an outline of applicable Scriptures, communicate the importance of God’s Word. He hopes and prays it will encourage the reader to open the Bible and research God’s Word leading them to a personal relationship with God, through His Son Jesus Christ.
About the Author
Galatians 2:20- "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.
The Spirit of God revealed Himself to me, December 1988, and said, “What are you going to do with your life?” I was afraid, because I thought I was going to die. So God confronted me with His Word of truth, which lead to my repentance and conviction of the sins that I committed in my flesh. On that day I asked God to forgive me and take control of my life.
I also asked God to give me some work to do. He said, “I revealed to your heart at the age of 8, that you would be a Writer.” After my life was recreated in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, I have been faithfully writing to share with others His truth until this very day.
So let each poetic messages condition the thoughts in your mind and let the Word of God position His love and truth in your heart so you can examine yourself daily while seeking to secure and maintain a strong spiritual relationship with God, through HIS beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
These poetic messages in this book were a gift from God to me, and I’m sharing them with you as a gift from me.
All for His Kingdom