A Literary Journey

by Claudia Davison



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/28/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781420840315

About the Book

Where is God? Can we know Him? Why does He seem elusive sometimes? Unearthing the Hidden God examines nine Bible stories in a new light revealing a God who hides Himself in elements of the story. Plot, conflict, setting, characters, purpose, irony, theme, dialogue and bias become tools for unearthing God’s character ensconced within familiar Biblical tales. Making sense of adult experiences requires more than a childhood understanding of God and Bible stories. Unearthing the Hidden God grapples with social and personal issues, the role of the Church in society and, most of all, the personality and will of God our Creator. Unearthing the Hidden God can be devotional reading, a personal Bible journal, or curriculum for group Bible Study.

About the Author

Claudia Davison has taught High School and Middle School in Toronto, has co-ordinated Christian Education programs for children, youth and adults and has authored teen and adult Bible study curriculum.  Her research spans:  learning and teaching skills, Biblical literature and the cultural, environmental and developmental aspects of stories and storytelling.

In Unearthing the Hidden God, Claudia Davison melds together her literary expertise, Biblical insight and personal experience to produce a unique blend of analysis and creativity guiding the reader through a journey that exposes the God who pays hide and seek.