
Love Really Does Conquer All

by Rochelle L. Lawson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/21/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781420834802

About the Book

Sheridan worked long and hard to earn the position of Vice President of Advertising at Bennett-Cole Leathers.  She is a vibrant, successful businesswoman who has everything going for her, including the full attention of one Ben Jefferson, CEO and owner of the company she’s worked for for over seven years.

Unexpectedly, after all those years, he just walks into her life and takes over her heart as if God himself sent him to do so.  They share some good times while they fall in love until the secret that Sheridan tried so hard to keep hidden, rears its ugly head.

When Sheridan meets Ben’s sister, Annette Cole, who has been institutionalized for over 10 years, she is unable to face Ben, but she knows eventually she has to tell him the truth.   Confused, Sheridan avoids all contact with Ben and leaves him wondering what he did to chase her away.

Can their newfound love stand against chaos, tragedy and deceit when it hits so close to home?

About the Author

Rochelle L. Lawson is a native of Jamaica Queens, New York.  Having formerly lived in Indiana and California she currently resides in Florida.  A former secretary, she has had a passion for writing since she was a little girl in grade school.

Having only had some short stories and poems published in unknown magazines, this is Rochelle’s first real publication and she is excited to bring it to the readers in anticipation of many more to follow.  She is already working on a second novel.

“God has given me a gift and I would like to share it with everyone who loves to read good fiction romance.”