A Floating City

by Chuck Bose



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/16/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781420841879

About the Book

A Floating City is about life aboard a U.S. Naval aircraft carrier, now decommissioned and scrapped, from the eyes of an enlisted man.  I served aboard this ship for ten and one-half months on a Mediterranean cruise in 1960.


I have written the book as if you were there and I was giving you a guided tour of the ship.  The book is about life aboard an aircraft carrier, the happenings, the hazards, the good times, the dangerous times, the way it operates and why, the way we worked, the way we played, to give an understanding to folks who have never been aboard an aircraft carrier.


About the Author

My first attempt at writing anything longer than a letter to my wife while I was overseas in the military was a book I wrote titled Firehouse Antics.  I wrote about incidents that happened to me while I was a firefighter.  I am now retired and using my writing skills to relate true happenings of my life.  I never thought that this would be a possibility for me.  I envied other writers and after I retired I decided to give it a try.  I wanted to preserve my 25 years in the fire service and my experiences in the U. S. Navy so that my grandchildren could have a better understanding of me and my life.  Now that I’ve started, I have a few more books up my sleeve so be careful.