Frankie’s Angels

by Cynthia Harris Casteel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/4/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781420838985
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781463491352

About the Book

Frankie’s Angels will become the next “Waiting to Exhale”.  This one comes with a Maze Concert.  Cynthia Harris Casteel tells the story of five women who call themselves “Frankie’s Angels”.    Their love for Frankie Beverly and Maze has helped them endure the joys and pains of life.  They discovered their common denominator on the Maze website and now they are on their way to Washington D.C.   to meet at the first Angel Convention and a Maze concert.  Some are actually expecting a surprise visit by Mr. Beverly.  Before they get to the convention and concert, their life stories are revealed.  The reader gets to understand why a Maze Concert is a necessity for these ladies.  Frankie’s Angels are deeply in need of a spiritual healing and only Maze featuring Frankie Beverly can be the “fix”.


Although this work is fiction, Cynthia incorporates real facts about their favorite singer, Frankie Beverly.  The reader gets a taste of facts mixed with a toss of fiction.  Your imagination will take you along with them to a Maze concert.  If you have never attended a Maze concert, this book will take you there and if you have had the fortune of attending a Maze concert, you’ll understand exactly what they feel.


Though the name “Frankie’s Angels” gives the angels an angelic tone, you’ll be shocked to know the real deal about some of the angels from their past to the present.   Come meet, Candice, Tish, Twana, Mozelle and Ernestine….divine messengers of light.


Be prepared to laugh and cry as you travel on the wings of “Frankie’s Angels”.


Happy Feelings!


About the Author

CYNTHIA HARRIS CASTEEL, born and raised in Maryland, is a retired teacher.  It has been her dream to become an aspiring writer.  In theater, she wrote and directed, “God, Not the Wizard” and “What’s the Matter with the Chillen?” 

Cynthia owns her own production company, “Everyday People Productions”.

She loves to write plays so this is her first novel. 


She is the founder of the real Frankie’s Angels, an organization that was started in the year 2000.  The mission of the organization is to spread happy feelings.  The love for Frankie Beverly and Maze was the driving force behind the concept. 


Cynthia currently resides in Clinton, Maryland with her husband, Charles .  She is working on a book of poems, entitled “Mental Pause”.