Taking Stock

Know thy Values and Know Oneself a Self-journal of Enlightenment for those Seeking Virtue in an Immoral World

by Kelly O. Donivan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/13/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781420839678

About the Book

In our rapidly evolving and complicated society that is dominated by technology, knowledge of oneself is waning and simple values which should be guiding daily life are becoming a thing of the past.

How well do you know yourself?  Do you know what your values are?  Are you a person with independent convictions or are you someone who jumps on the proverbial “bandwagon?”

Regardless of what you believe your viewpoint may be, journaling can be a tremendous tool in discovering the person you really are. However, taking the initiative, is for many of us, a daunting task.  By providing some basic topics as prompts, the door is opened for you to learn about yourself in ways you never imagined.  These prompts include basic beliefs you possess, to your everyday actions, to your observations of others, which invite you to open your mind, heart and soul and express yourself in a way you never expected you would.

Consider these suggestions as an open invitation to find your values and know yourself.

About the Author

Raised by parents of a generation with values, Kelly O. Donivan is a native Californian. She holds a degree from the University of San Diego in anthropology and history.  Ms. Donivan is married and mother to five children.  Ms. Donivan presently resides in San Diego County, California. This is her first book.