From Heaven And Earth

Stories And Poetic Works

by Cynthia Ann Ressy-Nieves



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/13/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781420891362

About the Book

From Heaven and Earth is a young woman''s menagerie of personal poems, revealing stories and quirky essays. This new writer''s collection, just as its title pulls forth the polar opposites of life. The darkness between a mother and daughter, as in the story "The Human Condition" depicting a young girls plight to survive in a home of addiction and chaos to the private uplifting poetry "Cinnamon Toast " and "Remembering...My sister" which shows the fantastic joy of a moment. It is a clever and sentimental body of work worthy of notation.

About the Author

Cynthia was born in 1970s on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. From an early age she began writing in journals, creating songs, poetry, essays and stories to find calm in childhood woes. As a young writer, she won the Young Playwright Award in 1990 where The Foundation of the Dramatist Guild’s Young Playwright Festival sponsored and chaired by Stephen Sondheim awarded Cynthia with an Excellence in Playwriting merit. In the following years she won awards for her moving poetry.  In her college years she became the creative director of an underground college Zine (magazine) called “Haze”, where new writers and artists were given the opportunity to voice their opinions.

Though commercial success has not been this author’s goal, she continues her commitment to the craft. As an elementary school teacher she now takes on the challenge to shape our youth. Cynthia continues to write and live in New York City; the city that she loves and now plans to set her sights on something even higher, creating a home and family.