A Ballad of Slate Colored Days and Moonlight and Skeletons

Two Dramas

by John W. Gorski



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/28/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781420860047

About the Book

This book consists of the text for two musicals.


A Ballad of Slate-Colored Days portrays a haunted loner, in his early thirties, living on the edge of downtown Seattle in 1980. He spends his days writing poetic lyrics for songs. His dialogue with other characters, when not serious, displays flashes of dry wit about his life situation. His ruminations drift between the recent and distant past.


Moonlight and Skeletons surveys the life and career of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. A character playing Munch delivers an account of his life. This is woven through with lyrics sung by a woman guitarist about his work and background

About the Author

His poetry has been published in Seattle Poems by Seattle Poets (an anthology), Paper Boat, Art Access, Switched On Gutenberg (an online journal), The Metro Poetry Bus Project – 1997 and Real Change, and Shirtpocket Books(SCW Publications).

He has a B.A. in English from the University of Cincinnati and has studied poetry writing at the University of Washington Extension.

He grew up primarily in Maryland and Ohio and has lived in Seattle since 1976.