Crisis in the City

by Maurice W. Britts



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/27/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781420845358

About the Book

Crisis in the City is about the powerful anger and rage that flares up causing some in the inner city to go ballistic.  It discloses how a city power structure with all their vast resources for realizing and completing tasks try to dupe the people who live there.  It divulges how certain unscrupulous individuals by any means necessary try to sabotage and undercut the will of the people while at the same time pretending friendship.  Against this background, Crisis in the City explores the hostility and animosity that besets Bart Wilson, a Black Man, and Sid Edelstein, a Jewish entrepreneur, striving to improve the lot of people living in a run down, dilapidated section of the city.  They experience various misguided yahoos, arson, reverse racism, riot, as well as Sid’s reluctance to face issues.  Sid has established what he calls a food bank to bring food into the area at an inexpensive price.  Bart is the director of a Federal/City project established to bring city services to the neighborhood.  These two altruistic individuals have been friends since high school.  They had worked together doing those education days on various projects to earn money to help defray their school expenses.  Crisis in the City records how their friendship and dependence on each other runs against the grain of some people in the community and how others appreciate the importance of what they are doing.

About the Author

After growing up in Alton, Illinois, which is situated some 25 miles from St. Louis, Mo., the author moved to Minnesota after serving four years in the U.S. Navy aboard the carrier USS Antietam in the Korean Conflict.  After receiving a B.A. Degree from college when he returned, he taught English and later served as a secondary school principal in the Minneapolis Public Schools.  During summers, he worked at a Camp for inner city youth as the Director.  He also found time to take courses toward a doctorate in Educational Administration/Sociology at the University of Minnesota.  He has published two books of poetry – I Will Survive and The Trembling years.  He published an evaluation of a Minority recruitment program he set up at Concordia College in St. Paul entitled Blacks on White College Campuses.  He is the author of a biography of a Black Minnesotan entitled Billy Williams:  Minnesota’s Assistant Governor.  At present he teaches Afro-American Literature as well as other courses for Metropolitan State University in Minneapolis/St. Paul.