The Wisdom of Richard Hooker

Selections from Hooker’s Writings with Topical Index

by Philip B. Secor; Lee W. Gibbs

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781420848182

About the Book

This is the first modern edition of Richard Hooker’s most important ideas on virtually every subject of interest to Christian people, arranged in a topical manner--from A (for “Absolution”) to Z for (“Zeal”).  The reader can easily access Hooker’s wisdom on any topic without having to read through the many volumes of his theological writings. 

Now, at last, the timeless wisdom of this great sixteenth-century founder of the Anglican religious tradition is easily accessible to the modern reader for devotional study on any subject of interest and to ministers desiring to cite Hooker in their sermons.

About the Author


Philip Secor is a leading authority on the life and thought of Richard Hooker.  His acclaimed biography, Richard Hooker Prophet of Anglicanism (Burns & Oates/Anglican Book Centre, 1999) and his two modern editions of Hooker’s most important writings, The Sermons of Richard Hooker (SPCK, 2001) and Richard Hooker on Anglican Faith and Worship (SPCK, 2003) have made Hooker’s life and thought widely available in the English speaking world.

Secor holds his BA from Drew University and his MA and PhD from Duke University.  He has taught at Duke, Dickinson College and Davidson College and been Dean of the College at Muhlenberg College and President of Cornell College.  He lives with his wife, Anne, is eastern Pennsylvania.


Lee W. Gibbs is a widely recognized religious scholar in the Episcopal Church.  He is one of the co-editors of the authoritative Folger Library Edition of the Works of Richard Hooker (1977-1998) and the author of many articles on Hooker in such publications as Harvard Theological Review.  

Gibbs is an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Ohio and had been a professor of religious studies at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University.  He holds his BA from Macalester College and his STB and ThD from Harvard.  He lives with his wife, Joan, in eastern Ohio.