Divine We Are

The Connection, The Amazing Abilities We All Have, and The Ultimate Techniques to Use Them

by Magdy Morssi BE-CE, ME-CE



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781420857023
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781463451875

About the Book

“Divine We Are”, genuinely marks the true beginning of New Age Revolution, and the paramount transformation of humanity. The book establishes the awareness, acknowledgment, and acceptance of magnificent abilities we all have, but rarely use, to comprehend the diversity of our existence, empower ourselves, interact with each other and communicate, beyond what we perceive as normal, with all inhabitants of the vast universe; physical and nonphysical. In a “never attempted before” provocative approach, the book combines science and mysticism, to provide simple and logical answers to eternally intriguing questions. Certainly, it will take the readers on a fascinating journey beyond our self-imposed limitations, invented rational, what we have established as knowledge, defined as normal, and declared as logic. The book crosses over the boundaries defining our physical existence to other dimensions, and introduces the readers to alien worlds, and forms of intelligence, which are totally different from ours. It emphasizes the side by side coexistence of multiple worlds in terms of consecutive plateaus, platforms, or planes which are interconnected and well defined by their energy and frequency levels, and our build-in abilities as mankind to interface and interact with them; now and forever, here and beyond. This book is the incredible product of uniquely rare combination of knowledge, interests, and skills. Writing a book of this nature required more than just words and literary skills. It took the scientific, analytical, and intuitive mind of a graduate structural engineer (the author), deep interest in the subject matter, keen abilities to draw parallels and establish linkages, and relentless burning desire to bridge gaps between science, and mysticism, to make this book possible.

About the Author

Magdy Morssi, is a graduate structural engineer, and inventor who possesses wide range of diversified interests and knowledge. In particular, he combines unique blend of scientific, technical, and analytical abilities, with keen familiarity, and understanding of the mythical aspects of our existence.

Since his childhood, Magdy has exhibited deep interest in science, mysticism, and the paranormal. Over the years, he has experienced many supernatural phenomena, and was able to realize, and accept his abilities to sense and interact beyond what we perceive as normal. In his continuing search for the ultimate truth, he has attained universal knowledge, experienced existence from higher perspectives, and possessed the understanding of the true nature, and unique integration of the universe.

During his college years, he has achieved an impressive academic record, and earned a Bachelor of Civil Engineering in 1981, and Master of Structural Engineering in 1984, from prestigious Manhattan College, in Riverdale - New York. To satisfy his diversified interests, Magdy has attended numerous technical seminars, in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and completed vocational courses in international business and trade, from the World Trade Institute in New York.

As a structural engineer, his professional associations took turns between the public and private sectors. For the past twenty years, he has practiced with some of New York City, world class, top consulting engineering firms, and a leading state agency. He has participated, under his name, in the international competitions for the New World Trade Center and Memorial designs; filed a multi-feature invention with the US patent office, and was successfully granted full rights to his invention.

Throughout his years of professional practice, Magdy has exhibited exceptional analytical, design, investigative, and forensic capabilities, which enabled him to play key roles in numerous high profile projects.