The Seropia Crystal

by T. W. Olzinski



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/25/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781420847222

About the Book

When twelve year old Riley Benson moves with her family to her Grandmother’s country home for the summer, she doesn’t know what to expect. She soon discovers some friends that live hidden in the forest and desperately need her help. Her summer takes on a new meaning as she struggles to help her new friends before her family leaves to return to their home in the city.

About the Author

Tabitha Wilkins Olzinski is an exciting new author who is now releasing her first full-length story, The Seropia Crystal. Her enthusiasm for writing began at an early age and as she eagerly explored this interest she gained a wide-range of experience within many different writing genres.


Tabitha has written award winning short stories featured in various publications. She has written and submitted many non-fictional articles to popular magazines including Teen and Seventeen. Even as she pursued her career in Social Work, Tabitha continued writing and worked as a staff writer for National Association of Social Workers. She received a diploma from the Children’s Institute of Literature and it was at this time her ideas for her first novel came to light.


The Seropia Crystal, a suspense-filled story of a young girl’s adventures during her summer vacation, highlights Tabitha’s diverse talents as a writer and shifts her focus to pre-teen and adolescent fiction.