Secrets of Purple Valley

When Spirits of the Past Meet Dark Forces of the Present

by Wilma Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/3/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781420854817

About the Book

In this rousing novel by Wilma Williams, steamy sex and betrayal are only part of the intrigue and mystery that will capture and hold your senses in a vise. Santoni Martinas orders the murder of Ramon Rodrigues, oldest brother of Santoni’s friend, Miguel. When the fussilade of bulletsstop and the smoke clears, Ramon, his pregnant wife and two toddler daughters are dead! Thus begins a feudal war between the Rodrigues Dynasty and the Martinas drug cartel, from which there can only be one victor. When Santoni is killed, his nefarious son, Mario, takes over which pits him against Miguel’s youngest son, Rico, who is also the future heir to the governorship of Sonesta, of which Purple Valley is the capitol. Plagued and tormented by his own mental and imagined ghosts, Rico must withstand the doubts of his own family, as well as, the deceitful and treacherous plans of his fiancee Lisa Velesquez and Mario. After the death of Rico and Lisa’s one month old daughter, Lisa flees to Spain with Mario, sending Rico over the edge and he falls into the life his father has unintentionally made for him. Then Nikki Houston comes into his life, and although she is also rebounding from a broken relationship, together they raise one another to where they are about to break down the barriers that had at one time kept them from complete happiness. Then Lisa and Mario return. Their return sets off a chain of events that send Rico and Nikki on a spiraling trip to the bowels of hell. Nikki’s life is precariously put in danger through the malefic working of Mario’s mind and Lisa’s conniving plans. You will be infected by the heartaches and joys as your journey to the final climatic conclusion impacts your soul and leaves it emotionally content.

About the Author

Wilma Williams was born in Athens, Tennessee. When she was eight months old, her mother migrated to Cleveland, Ohio with Wilma and her brother.

Raised during the depression era, her mother did day work that did not pay a lot, but she still gave Wilma and her brother the best in health care, schooling and recreational activities. Wilma was given piano lessons, voice training, and tap dancing lessons. In senior high school, Wilma graduated among the top ten in her class and won a scholarship to Howard University. She married her senior year and opted to go to Ft. Campbell to live with her husband after graduation.

After fourteen and a half years of marriage, she divorced and became a single-parent mother. She was blessed to be hired at the Post Office and thus take care of her family. While at the post office, she worked nights, went to college during the day (carrying 19 credits) and made the Dean’s list, all while taking care of four children by herself! This is Wilma’s first novel, but when she was in college she was encouraged by her english teacher to pursue writing. She has written many poems that she will make into a book in the near future. But for now she loves to write and she is already working on the sequel to this novel, Secrets of Purple Valley.

In 1977 Wilma visited Rio de Janiro, Brazil and was so awestruck by its beauty that she based this novel on its history and people, which she learned about first-hand and through extensive research. Although Secrets of Purple Valley is a fictional novel, quite a bit of the history within its pages is actual fact!