Good People Don't Go To Heaven; Bad People Don't Go to Hell, Unless...

by R.A. Thompson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/13/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781420856170

About the Book

Many people seem to assume that if they died today they would surely go to heaven, yet they live their lives far from God. Who is responsible for your eternal soul: you, or the Lord, or both? Once you settle this easy question with a willing God, you can get on with your life with great peace of mind. Misconceptions abound as to what will get you to heaven, and what will plunge your soul into hell. How much power over your body, soul, and spirit does your church and its leaders have, if any? Are fear tactics used to intimidate you? This is a handbook to help you think about what you may have been led to believe, and what God has actually said in His word.

About the Author