The Double~Sided Wish

Tazarian Saga 3

by Kat Barrett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/8/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781420856651

About the Book

The Double Sided Wish is the third in the ongoing Tazarian Series of adult, Science Fiction Fantasy novels.

Meteors fall on Hyla setting forth events that send the population into a deep sleep from which only water can arouse them. Crystal is the only one awake to see the remaining half of the falling Orb collide with Matherath Mountain.

She wakes up 45 cycles in the past, her body atrophied from four months in a coma in an Earth hospital. Her now altered past life is repeating itself, and she begins a desperate journey to heal her frozen flesh and return to Hyla to save the future as she knows it.  

Set amidst a land where dragons fly and magic is the norm, this wondrous adventure takes you back into the life of Hyla’s two highest power healers and their ever-growing family. The family and all of Hyla’s healers are faced with the battle of life verses death; living verses the quality of life. They are forced to test their vows to the beings of Hyla and choose who will live or die.

Peppered with humor, sadness and stark emotion, this thought provoking tale leaves you pondering the very different cultural beliefs between the Orbs of Earth and Hyla.



About the Author

Kat Barrett has an imagination that has left her with the complimentary title of having a very strange and wonderous mind.

At current, she works a full time job, cares for a house and two dogs. In her spare time, she is at her computer putting down the endless stream of ideas that are flowing through her thoughts. Writing is her relaxation and her pleasure, the visions that she puts to paper are often reflections of reality.

She wishes to thank everyone who has supported her and given her the incentive to continue writing. Her favorite compliment is that the reader didn’t want to put the book down because they couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

Kat had the honor last year of making the final five in the L Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest, with a short story from the Tazarian saga.

If you are reading this; thank you. I hope you enjoy the book.