Success Without Money

by J. W. Reddoch



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/31/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781420870381

About the Book

From the author to the reader:


This book will help you gain insight into your everyday life.  The insight will help make you your own person.  You will learn how you can explore different levels of your mind to work out your personal conflicts in your everyday life.


“Success Without Money” will reveal to you the true values in life and what is really important.  It will also enhance your senses to let you understand how to use your senses in a new creative way.


You will develop a good feeling about how you fit into the world at large. You will gain a sensitivity and awareness of what is real and important. You will acquire the basic tools of wisdom, courage and understanding and how to get through the tough times in your life, by exploring the many ways of having more fun and laughter.


You will be able to create an architectural plan for your life that will provide for maximum joy and happiness.


You will learn how growing old is normal and can have great rewards. Develop the inner workings of how to maintain “Possibility Thinking” that will move you to a higher plane. You will be getting in touch with your physical and spirituality self to become one. 


You will start to see what is the essence of life and what true happiness means.


You will become self-confident at managing and solving your own everyday problems.


This book will take you on a trip that will explore all the possibilities as to what would assist you in having a better world!


I hope this book inspires you!  Too use your own good feelings and judgment too create within you the desire to set goals and to obtain anything your heart quests for. 


It would be my wish for you, that this book would lift your spirits and give you a little laughter along the way. I hope you will have a good warm feeling at the end of this endeavor and enjoy the good gifts from the universe.

About the Author

J.W. Reddoch is a native Texan, raised in the panhandle of Texas.  One of his favorite old sayings is, “You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.” He has developed, from his Texan roots, a deep understanding of the average working person in America. He has a deep compassion for the many people who make America great. Many men and women are very successful and do not acknowledge their own success. J.W. feels this book will allow each person to have more insight and feeling of reward in his or her everyday life.


He has made southern California his home for the last forty-four years. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering (BSEE) from West Coast University the class of 1971 and has worked in the aerospace industry, on many of the nations top space programs such as the Apollo program.


Mr. Reddoch has found that his skills were not in engineering as much as they were in understanding and working with people. He has been a successful sales engineer for the last thirty-four years. During this time, he has become acquainted with people who were very rich in money and still poor in spirit. He has observed that many of these people did not understand what true success meant and that they had little joy and laughter in their daily lives.


Mr. Reddoch’s passion is to share with others some of the many wonderful mysteries that he has been able to solve during his vast working experience in the world at large. He was compelled to write the book, Success Without Money, with the hope to reveal to others his first-hand experience with people who have become successful and still have not yet obtained the full meaning of true success. He feels that Success without Money will reveal to the reader how to increase their joy and happiness in their everyday lives.


Mr. Reddoch has many hobbies, such as photography, cars and cartooning. He has lived in Santa Barbara, California for the last thirty-four years, during which he has obtained a deep feeling and regards for the balance of nature and the surrounding environment of the beautiful Santa Barbara area.