Why Do Positive Thinkers Win

by Ken Bossone



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/23/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781420856606

About the Book

For ten years Ken Bossone, president of the World Positive Thinkers club, has been researching and writing about what the main ingredient is that all winners possess.  Ken wanted to find out and write about what drove winners on in the face of defeat and adversity.  Was it what they did or thought?  Was it goals?  Having goals is nothing new.  Man has achieved goals since the beginning of time.  Was it hard work?  Everyone knows you must work hard to achieve goals.  After all, the only thing that sits its way to success is a hen.  Was it intelligence?  Many brilliant people wind up on skid row, as Ken has interviewed them there.  Was it wealth?  Many wealthy people are unhappy and wind up committing suicide.  And so the search went on. Then one night Ken watched a midleweight championship boxing match between Sugar Ray Leonard and his opponent, and after hearing the words Leonards opponent uttered Ken realized the words were the key to the secret.  It hit Ken like a lightning bolt.  That was his breakthrough and he researched furiously to prove he was on the right path.  As Robert Frost, the great poet said, “Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”  To Kens utter delight and amazement he realized unequivocally, after personally experiencing financial tragedy, a death threat, loss of drivers license and car, and other personal setbacks, and with much research, that the main ingredient coupled with goals is a three-word motto that all winners have imbedded in their very souls to achieve winning and happiness.


As President of the World Positive thinkers club with over 500 sports and business winners Ken wants to share this amazing revelation with the world.



About the Author

Ken Bossone is president of the World Positive Thinkers Club, which includes over 500 celebrities of the sports and business world.  Members include Donovan McNabb, Terrell Owens, Brian Westbrook, Andy Reid, Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Mrs. Ruth Peale, and the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and the late Margaret Gorman (the first Miss America).  Cal Ripkin Jr. is also a card carrying member.  The club was started by Ken in 1995 and there are no dues at present.  Plans are to eventually use funds to help hungry children in the United States.


Ken is a published author, has written a series of positive input children’s books, and is a financial and business advisor with a flair for creating and evaluating business plans.  He was named one of the three top athletes in school and in his senior year was scouted by the Pittsburgh Pirates.  Ken eventually wound up in the Army, serving time in Korea where he earned the black belt in Karate.  During his tenure in the Army he was named Outstanding Soldier of the Guard every time he pulled guard duty as well as earning letters of commendation and was named Soldier of the Month.


After the Army he started his career in sales and has won awards such as top producer of the month; most sales produced for a new agent and salesman of the year.  He was a director of sales; one of the youngest regional sales supervisors in the insurance business, and was a training director, traveling around the United States conducting sales seminars.  Part time Ken owned his own Karate dojo and taught self defense to police departments, college students, YWCA, YMCA students, as well as conducting adult night school classes.


For the past ten years he has put his career on hold to research and write why people don’t reach goals and to discover and share the real secret of those who do.  During his research and ten year journey he discovered the three-word motto of all winners, which he happily promulgates in this astounding, totally enjoyable book.  It was not all fun and games, as Ken paid the ultimate price, by facing his own unbelievable personal tragedies and hardships, which you will read about, but never once lost his positive attitude.


This book is like none other before, and a true self help book has reached the book stands.  Don’t read this book if you don’t like to get involved by doing a little work to achieve the assets listed on the back cover of the book.  “If you want to leave footprints in the sands of time, you must wear work boots.”