Level Heads XE: The Deluxe Edition

by Jim W. Coleman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781420875874

About the Book

This is my three-minute commercial. In today’s age of astounding technological advances, we all have options that allow us to skip commercials, be they online, on television, or in some other media. But as you already are this far into this one, I trust you will read through to the end. This is a collection of short stories I’ve written through the years. Some date as far back to 1985, while others are still being written even as I write this foreword. But all, regardless of their age, are as timely today as when they were originally written. Because my website, email address and AOL IM name are published in all my books, I receive quite a bit of feedback from readers. And the question I am asked most often is this: “Where in the world do you come up with this stuff?” My book, “Level Heads,” is my answer to that question—the original edition first, and this enhanced deluxe edition next. While assembling the stories for this book, I took some time to write author’s notes about each story—where I got the original idea, how it took shape, what was the story behind the story, was the story based on anything that actually happened and so on and so forth. In the process, I also took some time to write about the “behind the scenes” of my three previous novels, as those are the works that continuously spawn the original question. I am very much like you, in many ways. But if there was a significant difference, it would be that I am not afraid to reach across the wide, black chasm of the unknown to grasp a handful of muck to bring back across to what we all consider to be the “real world.”

About the Author

            Jim W. Coleman lives in Port Orchard, Washington, with his girlfriend and three daughters.  Born in Phoenix, Coleman is a 1982 graduate of Glendale High School.  He later attended Arizona State University.  He''s maintained an art business since 1985 and exhibits original and reprinted art pieces at art shows and community festivals throughout the Pacific Northwest.  Additionally, he is very active with the Port Orchard and Bremerton Kiwanis Clubs and with local PTA''s in his school district. 

            A “political junkie," Coleman dreams of one day running for a public office.

He has been a yarn-spinner and storyteller since childhood—a side occupation that has been profitable, but also has gotten him into hot water on a number of occasions. 

His hobbies include that which is self-evident (artwork and writing), but also include gardening, high-end digital photography, music, baking, cooking, home canning, sunbathing and quitting smoking.

Despite the dark nature of his writing and artwork, Coleman is a fun-loving, optimistic guy—usually the life of the party. Go ahead and invite him to one...but don''t be surprised if you end up in some bizarre compromising position in his next book.


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