The story that you are about to read is written about a man by the name of Bertram Trevors. Just a common person in the eyes of the world but like the entire human race, he possesses hidden qualities that make him unique. Though he is thirty-four years old and still hasn’t discovered these gifts, they lay silently stirring within his personality.
The tallest member of his family, he proudly stands at five foot three inches. His weight of one hundred and forty-seven and three quarters of a pound leaves him a little on the not so firm side. However, he vows with his daily twelve pushups and ten sit-ups to soon change his physical structure to a more attractive form. His brown hair is cut to the average length of today’s style and his green eyes are positioned slightly closer than that of the normal person.
He is not handsome nor ugly though his morning glances in the mirror find an unknown star waiting to be found. Like nearly all of us, Bertram has had a few hardships in his life but there were also happy events as well. The scales of his existence were nearly balanced and Bertram’s life was sincere.
On April first of nineteen hundred and seventy-nine the world was blessed with Bertram’s birth. He was born and raised in America by two semi-proud parents whose names were Floyd and Minerva Trevors. Bertram’s father was a wooden eye maker until the termite plague of 1990. This devastating event slowly caused his death and by the age of eleven Bertram was fatherless due to a heart attack. Minerva, a strong willed and independent woman then went out into the world as the sole provider. Barely making enough to support herself and the young lad, she spent all of the sunlight hours selling pigs’ knuckles for the local butcher.
When Bertram reached the age of eighteen Minerva also left the planet earth when she was instantly crushed by a canned pineapple display that had fallen down on her body while shopping at the grocery store, the headline of the local newspaper read “Cans of Crushed Pineapple,” Bertram saved the newspaper article and on occasion relived the sad situation while always wiping a tear from his eye as he relived the horrible incident. Now alone without any family, and with no ties to anyone close, it was then that Bertram decided to seek a post high School education and achieve a trade that would take him far in his life. His choice was a dependable and yet perhaps prestigious career.
Bertram spent the following four months taking a seven-week course to become a Sanitation Engineer. After completing the necessary requirements, he soon found work as the sanitation engineer of a frozen cheese sandwich company. Receiving higher wages than he had ever made before, and living the life of a career person, we join him now as he lives his life as. . . . “Just Another Nobody.”