
The Forgotten War

by E. W. Elliott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781420870077

About the Book

Two soldiers one British (Harry) the other Japanese (Tomomi) and, although bitter enemies, share another enemy, the Burmese jungles. We follow them from early 1942 where they first come into contact at Sittang Bridge. Tomomi is captured by Harry, but, Nay Mynt, a Burman who hates the British rescues him. Tomomi vows to kill Harry and, eventually, they meet face to face at Kohima. On March 1945 Harry''s wife, Joan, perishes at Smithfield Meat Market by the last Rocket to be launched from Holland. On August 6, 1945, Tomomi''s wife, Nui, goes to Hiroshima to collect Tomomi''s posthumously awarded medals. At 8pm an airplane appears overhead. Nui notices an object leaving its belly. It''s the last thing she will ever see.

About the Author

E. W. Elliot''s book, Burma The Forgotten War, is a timely reminder of the titanic battles fought by the 14th Army in Burma against the "invincible" Japanese Armies.


At the age of 20 he volunteered for the R.A.F. seeing active service in Biggin Hill, the Middle East, India and Burma.


In the Forward Areas he mingled with the "walking skeletons" of the 14th Army learning first hand of their 1,000 miles retreat from Rangoon to India.


In 1944 the Japanese surrendered in their thousands. They were half starved and scared stiff of what the "Devil Westerners" would do to them.


Reading this book one can feel and taste the bitter-sweet comradeship of the men who called Burma "The Green Hell".