Keeping the Masses Down

How to Escape the Vicious Downward Spiral of Tyranny and Poverty

by August K. Anderson; Nola L. Kelsey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/20/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781420867527

About the Book

Keeping the Masses Down is a scathingly comical workbook for building success in an America gone mad. Corporate CEO August Anderson and satirist Nola Kelsey commingle like fire and ice! Readers will laugh through their outrage while learning to transcend the Masses by recognizing and conquering life’s true obstacles. These irreverent lessons include:


·  Building success from obsession 

·  My government/My dealer

·  The competitive edge of facial warts in the workplace

·  Reclaiming America for future generations

·  Journaling your way into a  life

About the Author

August K. Anderson, a former lawyer and one of the country’s top equestrians, is the long time CEO of Golden Quest Enterprises and the founder of Cheval International (, a globally renowned equine products company. August is the principal political force behind Keeping the Masses Down. Her ideals formed the foundation for this motivational, life-conquering manual. She has also penned several other fiction and nonfiction books, Including:

·          Lioness

·          A Bridge Over Troubled Waters

·          The Equestrian Green Book: An Objective Guide to Valuing Horses.